Intro to EKG Interpretation
Let’s face it: EKG interpretation can be intimidating! There are multiple facets to master to build a solid foundation. Some of these facets include understanding what a P wave and T wave represent, measuring a PR interval, QRS complexes, QT/QTc intervals, and proper lead identification in conjunction with cardiac anatomy. This course is an introductory EKG lecture to obtain a foundational understanding of the principles and important elements of EKGs to aid in proper interpretation. This course features a nine-step systematic approach demonstrating where to look, when to look, and what to look for, taking the guesswork out of EKG interpretation.
In this course, you will learn to:
Define and identify a P wave, QRS complex, and T wave.
Identify and measure a PR interval, QRS complex, and QT interval.
Define and discuss the normal duration of a PR interval, QRS complex, and QT/QTc interval.
Define and discuss an abnormal PR interval, QRS complex, and QT/QTc interval.
Identify the EKG leads with corresponding cardiac anatomy.
Establish a systematic process to interpret an EKG.
This course is approved for 2.4 contact hours by the Kansas State Board of Nursing.
This course is suitable for:
Physicians, Advanced Practice Providers, Nurses

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